Welcome to the Parent Locker Room
Your Student Information Systems and Help Desk Guide

Important Dates to Remember:
** 21st - Early Release Day
**2nd - Holiday (No Students or Staff)
** 21st - First Grading Period Ends
** 30th - Intersession Begins
**14th - Students Return from Intersession
**23rd - Early Release Day
Student Information Systems
McCormick County Schools Supply List 2024-2025

2024-2025 Supply List PreK- 3rd.jpgol.jpg

2024-2025 Supply List 4th - Highschool
Need Help with Something Else?
Department Contact Information
Additional Resources
CATE Opportunities
Students at MCSD have the oppourtinity to work with career professionals to develop soft and employability skills through curriculum and instruction driven by personalized learning and student advocacy. Opportunities include:
Career Development
Professional Leadership Courses
Work Based Learning
Job Shadowing
Communications Training
College Readiness Training
Post-Secondary Planning